The P & M Group (ISD Solutions as the trading name) has always been committed to sustainability. Businesses large and small have a responsibility to play a part in addressing the multitude of crises and challenges that face us all and which should compel us to take action.
Our approach has been to establish Project Acorn, which has given The P & M Group the impetus we need to take action not only to reduce our negative impacts but to go beyond this and explore what positive impacts and influences we can have particularly in our sector of construction, which is one of the biggest contributors of carbon emissions and has one of the highest social impacts.

Project Acorn
Mighty oak trees from little acorns grow. Project Acorn is the name of our sustainability strategy and reflects our belief that the small steps we take today will help have an impact on the planet, society and communities in the future. Our business takes sustainability very seriously, which is why we have our own Group Sustainability Manager responsible for overseeing this as a key strategic business imperative.
As part of our materiality assessment, we have considered where we have alignment on important issues such as biodiversity preservation, and our joint responsibilities to reduce our GHG emissions, waste, air pollution, and noise pollution. This will help us to have open and frank discussions about having a positive impact through working collectively upstream and downstream in our supply chains.
Going beyond material changes
True sustainability is about more than reducing your environmental impact, it’s about having a net-positive impact and building a sustainable business through your people, communities, societies and culture. Having a healthy working environment is hugely important. We have strong policies and processes in place, but it is important that we go beyond this. We provide our staff with the right training and support they need and the opportunity for personal and professional development for all employees.
We are proud that we have a learning culture throughout our organisation and encourage and empower staff to take advantage of the opportunities offered and indeed for suggesting new initiatives and ways of approaching our work.
We regularly conduct supply chain audits to ensure compliance. However, we go further to ensure that modern slavery and bribery and corruption practices are not present. When it comes to sourcing raw materials and components, we continually challenge our own practices and thinking as well as that of our suppliers, seeking alternative raw materials where feasible.
For more information about Project Acorn and our sustainability initiatives, please download our full Sustainability Report.

If you require copies of the report in Romanian or Polish, please contact us on